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A hysterectomy is an operation known for years to remove the uterus. Nowadays with all technologies innovations a non invasive procedure has been developed: Uterine Fibroid Embolization./p>
Within the treatments for Myomatosis, hysterectomy is the procedure that reports the highest incidence of complications for women, the most significant are post-surgical infection, fever, post-surgical hemorrhage, ureteral injury or ligation, intestinal loop injury, bladder injury, post-surgical depression, decreased satisfaction in the relationship, among others.
Forget old-fashioned treatments that carry many risks and choose the safe and efficient treatment designed for today's woman, Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE).
Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) allows you to eliminate all the annoying symptoms caused by fibroids, you do not expose yourself to surgical risks, it only requires a day of hospital stay, recovery in 5 to 7 days and the advantage of our treatment is that you conserve your uterus.
why should you try to preserve the uterus?
The uterus has several functions.
*The first and best known is fertility. Without a uterus, the possibility of pregnancy is zero. After uterine fibroid embolization, the possibility of pregnancy is 58%.
*The uterus secretes a hormone called prostacyclin which dilates blood vessels and has an antithrombotic effect, it is a factor that prevents thrombosis (thrombi can affect the vessels of the body including the coronary ones, which is where heart attacks occur).
*The uterus occupies part of the pelvic cavity: When the uterus increases in size due to the presence of fibroids, the abdominal organs have abnormal displacement. When it is suddenly removed, there is the possibility of the rest of the pelvic structures falling due to the loss of elasticity of the ligaments that hold the uterus in place and that were surely elongated.
*Sexuality. The uterus plays an important role in the female orgasm. Also pressure on the cervix increases the possibility of obtaining an orgasm.