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Myomas, also called fibroids or leiomyomas are smooth, non-cancerous tumors that may develop in or around the uterus. Most myomas do not cause symptoms, depend on its size and localization, it may cause heavy bleeding and pain. In the menopause, they improve as the level of circulating estrogen in the blood decreases. The symtomps may not improve in women that have been under hormons therapy as a menopause treatment.
In size a myoma can range from a small as a olive to 15 or 20 centimeters. They can grow in one of the 3 walls of the uterus. Subserosal fibroids grow in the wall on the outside. as they grow larger, they can cause pressure on nearby organs or pain due to their size. Intramural fibroid, which are the most common, grows between the muscles of the uterus. They can cause vaginal bleeding, pain and a feeling of pressure or a lump in the uterus. Finally, Submucosal fibroids grow just beneath the uterine lining and can push into the uterus cavity.